2-Hour Cruise
The ocean is a magical place that touches many lives. We can help you honor the wishes of a loved one with a burial at sea. Space is limited to 6 people. If more people wish to attend the ceremony, please let us know so we can make arrangements for additional boats. We conduct a traditional ceremony at sea, motoring out about 3-miles offshore, spreading the ashes and leaving flowers, saying a prayer, singing a song or remaining silent as we honor the deceased. Our Captain will ring 8 bells in sequence. When a sailor is laid to rest and buried at sea from a ship, it represents the sailors final watch has been stood and it is his / her time for eternal rest. Many of our local sailing friends have made this their final resting spot. Please be sure to bring your burial permit which can be obtained from your crematory. Any materials that are released into the ocean must be decomposable. California law does not allow for the remains of pets to be released into the ocean, only human remains.
Best times to book:
These ceremonies are best in the early mornings before the winds pick up.
Price: $725 for up to 6 passengers